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The choices of Junction 1: Hardline/PR.

"My powers grew as the Chronon Syndrome worsened. I could choose a path that would become the actual future. But it wasn't optional. The moment wouldn't end until I made up my mind."
—Paul Serene[1]

Junctions Impacts (also known as Junctions and Junction Points) gameplay interludes between the four acts in Quantum Break. Players take control of antagonist Paul Serene as he makes a choice between the possible outcomes of the future.


"The Junction Power reveals two potential futures. Your decision at each Junction point will steer the stories of both the game and the live action show. Choose wisely."
—Official Description[1]

Junction Impacts are breaks between the first four acts of Quantum Break’s narrative. As Paul Serene, players are presented with branching narrative points within the story that will alter certain events depending on the choices the player makes, but does not radically change the overarching plot itself.

During Junction Points, players will be required to position themselves in a specific area to trigger the Junction of the level. Pressing XboxOne Y triggers the preface of the Junction and the player will be prompted to preview the two options by holding down XboxOne LT or XboxOne RT. Afterward their choice is finalized by holding down the XboxOne LB or XboxOne RB.

Afterward, the statistics of each Junction's choice is presented, separated between the statistics of the user and their core community of online friends and users outside their circle.

Junction 1: Hardline/PR[]

Hardline PR

Junction 1: Hardline/PR

"Paul Serene has to choose whether Monarch adopts the brutal Hardline tactics or the insidious PR approach."
—Official Description

“Hardline” and “PR” are junctions that span across the second, fourth and fifth acts of Quantum Break, "Perfect Place to Hide Something", "The Secret History of Time Travel", and "I'll Come Back For You".


Serene chooses the Hardline approach. He orders all witnesses to the university operation eliminated.

  • Monarch Solutions drafts a brief overview for the Hardline Protocol. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Monarch Hardline Protocol)
  • Charlie Wincott writes an e-mail to Riverport's Mayor Rackley, convincing him to allow Monarch Security to act as his private security forces. Rackley accepts the offer, allowing Monarch to have major control over Riverport. ("Monarch Solutions")
  • Riverport's local news station, WZWY, reports that Mayor Rackley and the local police department are collaborating with Monarch Solutions to deal with the University incident. ("Monarch Solutions")
  • Riverport University students protest against the free reign that Monarch Solutions has been given by media, local government and the public at large. ("Monarch Solutions")
  • Nick Marsters is caught using a Monarch Security station computer to access his Facebook account by Charlie Wincott. ("Act 2, Part 2: Ground Zero", TRESPASSER ALERT)
  • Greg Lawrence, an employee of Lucky Joe's Treasure Trove, is detained on the Port Donnelly Bridge during Monarch's search for Jack Joyce. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge", Bobby Radford Riverport Radio Show 7)
  • Protesting students from Riverport University demand to know what happened to Amy Ferrero. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge")
  • Nick posts information regarding the University incident on a conspiracy theory forum under the pseudonym "BLANCH_MCDOUGAL". No one believes him. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Nick's Forum Thread)
  • Nick discovers a old journal belonging to William Joyce and a old poster from Jack's emo band, My Bleeding Clock. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Will's Journal, "My Bleeding Clock" Poster)
  • Nick discovers old schematics for prototype of time machine. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Will's Rat Time Machine)
  • Nick ties up Sofia Amaral and leaves the Bradbury Swimming Hall before Monarch Security arrives. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine")

  • PR[]

    Serene chooses the PR approach. He manipulates media to frame Jack Joyce as the villain in the university incident.

    • Charlie Wincott emails the Ground Zero operation team a overview outlining their duties entailed for the PR Protocol. ("Act 2, Part 1: Industrial Area", Monarch PR Plan)
    • Amy Ferrero is blackmailed into cooperating with Monarch Solutions by Martin Hatch after her family is threatened. ("Monarch Solutions")
    • Monarch releases witnesses of the University Operation and the destruction of the Riverport Library under a gag order. ("Act 2, Part 3: Bradbury Swimming Pool")
    • Amy records a confessional video that lays the blame of the destruction of the Riverport Library at the university students and frames Jack Joyce as a domestic terrorist that organized the attack. ("Monarch Solutions")
    • Jack Joyce spies Monarch's PR Strategy Poster. ("Act 2, Part 1: Industrial Area")
    • Amy realizes that Monarch Security plans to kill her after requesting she record another confession video reinforcing the blame on the university students' Anti-Monarch protests. ("Act 2, Part 1: Industrial Area")
    • Jack is able to save Amy from certain death after creating an accidental distraction with falling planks he was crossing. ("Act 2, Part 1: Industrial Area")
    • Amy leads Jack to a security checkpoint and realizes her confession video is being broadcast by the news. ("Act 2, Part 1: Industrial Area")
    • Theresa Sedmak reports civilians injured during the "terrorist attack", orchestrated by Jack Joyce, were stabilized at Riverport Hospital. Casualty toll unconfirmed, but was reported to be a majority of Monarch Security officers. ("Act 2, Part 3: Bradbury Swimming Pool", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 2)
    • Public collaborates with Monarch Security and helps in the search for Jack Joyce on the Port Donnelly Bridge. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge")
    • Theresa Sedmak continues to spin media lie that local police are overwhelmed and cannot catch Jack Joyce without Monarch's help. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 5)
    • Monarch Security distributes mugshots of Jack Joyce to the public. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge", Jack Joyce Mugshot)
    • Amy and Beth Wilder compile a collection of information regarding Monarch Solutions' history. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Lifeboat Document, Monarch Mission Statement 1999, On the Unique Nature of the Lifeboat, Monarch Solutions Three Phase Plan)
    • Amy finds an email from Sofia Amaral regarding Paul Serene's dream journal. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Dream Journal 5)
    • Theresa Sedmak reports Monarch Security and local authorities inability to keep up with the series of bizarre accidents occurring as the Fracture in Time worsens. (Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 7)

  • Monarch Solutions drafts a brief overview for the PR Protocol. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Monarch PR Protocol)
  • Radio personality, Bobby Radford, is removed from his radio show and replaced with Theresa Sedmak, a Monarch Solutions employee. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")
  • Charlie Wincott uses the compromised cloud data from WZWY employee, named Stan, to blackmail the station into cooperating with Monarch so that Amy's confession video can be aired on television. ("Monarch Solutions")
  • WZWY runs a pro-Monarch Solutions profile on their station and focuses the corporation's positives, such as establishing education centers for the youth. ("Monarch Solutions")
  • Fiona Miller witnesses Amy's confession video painting Jack Joyce as a terrorist. ("Monarch Solutions")
  • Theresa Sedmak reports that Bobby Radford is on leave due to "medical reasons" and continued to push the "Jack Joyce, Terrorist" angle. ("Act 2, Part 2: Ground Zero", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 1)
  • Amy is caught downloading confidential flies from Monarch's security checkpoint by Charlie Wincott. ("Act 2, Part 2: Ground Zero", TRESPASSER ALERT)
  • Jack recognizes Nick Marsters' taxicab parked outside the Bradbury Swimming Hall. Amy checks the registration number and confirms the cab belongs to him. ("Act 2, Part 3: Bradbury Swimming Pool")
  • Theresa Sedmak reports on the Monarch gala and future announcements from Monarch Solutions. ("Act 3, Part 1: Research Facility", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 3)
  • Martin Hatch sends an e-mail to Monarch Team Leads reinforcing the necessity of maintaining good public relations with the media and local government during their PR blitz against Jack Joyce. ("Act 3, Part 1: Research Facility", The purpose of the gala)
  • Theresa Sedmak hangs up second caller (Gale) searching for her missing boyfriend who was present at the Anti-Monarch Protests at the University. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 4)
  • Theresa Sedmak reports losses on Port Donnelly Bridge following ship crash that destroys the bridge. (Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Theresa Sedmak Riverport Radio Show 6)
  • Jack asks whether or not Monarch Security officer, Liam Burke, is trustworthy. Beth remains uncertain. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine", Monarch Employee Chart, Transcript of Monarch Communications)
  • Amy ties up Sofia Amaral and leaves the Bradbury Swimming Hall before Monarch Security arrives. ("Act 4, Part 2: Preparing the Time Machine")

  • Junction 2: Personal/Business[]

    Personal Business

    Junction 2: Person/Business

    "Faced with Jack's surrender, Serene has to choose whether to focus on his friendship with Jack, or his plans for Monarch."
    —Official Description

    “Personal” and “Business” are junctions that effect the end of act two, "Perfect Place to Hide Something" and the third act, "The Wine and Cheese Crowd".


    Serene chooses to focus on his relationship with Jack and let Monarch fend for itself for a while.

    • After Sofia tries and fails to get Hatch to convince Paul that the Fracture is progressing quicker than expected, she leaves the room and returns to the party in the Monarch mansion. Hatch contacts his people and tells them that they have control over the speech taking place at the party. ("Prisoner")
    • Paul Serene speaks Jack Joyce in an attempt to get him to understand with his and Monarch's methods. Jack rejects Paul's ideas when he calls the death of William a "necessary sacrifice". ("Prisoner")
    • Beth arrives at the Monarch Security Station and frees Jack from the interrogation room. They split up in search for Sofia Amaral. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility")
    • Jack enters another security station and spies Hatch's speech at the Monarch gala and streams it online as he reveals the CFR. He also witnesses the "assassination attempt" on Hatch's life. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility", Martin Hatch's Speech on Gull Island)
    • Jack witnesses a Time Echo of a Middleman and Monarch Security officer working with Hatch, going over the details of the faux assassination attempt. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala")
    • In Clarice's interview with Jack, she purports that Monarch believed that Beth was responsible for the assassination attempt. Jack believed (but could not prove) that Hatch set himself up to look like a target. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala")

  • Hatch contacts Clarice Ogawa, a commander in Monarch Security, and relays his plans to kill Sofia Amaral, and make it appear as though someone from within Monarch will attempt to assassinate him. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility", Gala Speech)
  • Hatch e-mails the Monarch Team Leads about the arrests of Jack Joyce and Liam Burke, and the adjustments made for the gala speech now that Paul has chosen to interrogate Jack. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility", Instructions for tonight)
  • Paul is more affectionate with Sofia when she expresses her concern for his well-being after she notices that his treatments for Chronon syndrome are losing their effect. ("Prisoner")
  • Monarch employee writes general overview of the Lifeboat Protocol and hastily writes note that Hatch will be making the speech at the gala instead of Paul. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala", Lifeboat Presentation)
  • A Monarch employee writes a panicked text about the assassination attempt on Hatch's life. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala", Shocked Text Message)
  • Hatch's speech at the gala is aired on television during WZWY, news report. ("Deception")

  • Business[]

    Serene chooses to focus on leading Monarch rather than wasting time on Jack.

    • After Sofia tries and fails to get Hatch to convince Paul that the Fracture is progressing quicker than expected, two are interrupted by the arrival of Paul, who notices their tension. Hatch leaves the room, leaving Sofia and Paul alone. ("Prisoner")
    • When Hatch interrogates Jack, he suggests that Paul is dangerous and cannot be trusted. He leaves Jack the key to his handcuffs and a handgun before leaving the room. Jack unlocks his handcuffs and waits for Beth to arrive. ("Prisoner")
    • When Beth arrives at the Monarch Security Station to free Jack, she is held at gunpoint by Jack, who later explains that Hatch helped him. Beth doesn't believe Hatch can be trusted (Jack agrees); the two separate in search of Sofia Amaral. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility")
    • Jack enters another security station and watches Paul's speech at the Monarch gala. He streams it online as he reveals the CFR. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility", Martin Hatch's Speech on Gull Island)
    • In Clarice's interview with Jack, she purports that Monarch's strength was reestablished thanks to Paul's speech. Jack believed that the "wine and cheese crowd" was too preoccupied with the gala itself to care about the end of the world. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala")

  • Hatch contacts Clarice and informs her that he aided in Jack's escape, aware of his intention to kidnap Sofia Amaral. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility", Must Move Forward)
  • Hatch emails the Monarch Team Leads about the arrests of Jack Joyce and Liam Burke, and work necessary to maintain the gala event's stability during and after Paul's speech. ("Act 3, Part 1: Monarch Research Facility", Instructions for tonight)
  • Paul is short and distant with Sofia when she realizes his treatments for Chronon syndrome are losing their effect and suggests that the Fracture is progressing quicker than he anticipated. ("Prisoner")
  • Monarch employee writes general overview of the Lifeboat Protocol. Notes that Hatch will not be available because of his interrogation with Jack Joyce and that Paul will make the speech at the gala as scheduled. ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala", Lifeboat Presentation)
  • Gala attendee enamored with Paul Serene texts their want to "eat him with a spoon". ("Act 3, Part 2: Monarch Gala", Swoon Text Message)
  • Paul Serene's speech at the gala is aired on television during WZWY news report. ("Deception")

  • Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch[]

    Amaral Hatch

    Junction 3: Sofia Amaral/Martin Hatch

    "With his authority challenged, Dr. Amaral gone, and the Fracture getting worse, Serene has to decide who to trust."
    —Official Description

    “Amaral” and “Hatch” are junctions that affect the end of act three, "The Wine and Cheese Crowd", the fourth act, "The Secret History of Time Travel" and the fifth act, “I’ll Come Back For You”.

    Sofia Amaral[]

    Serene chooses to trust Sofia and suspects Hatch is the traitor:

    • Trusting Sofia's data about the Fracture, Paul decides that the Lifeboat Protocol will have to be initiated. ("Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch")
    • When Hatch offers to take the laptop containing Sofia's information to the science department, Paul rejects the offer, preferring to do it himself. ("Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch")
    • Paul orders Monarch security to keep Hatch under observation. ("Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch")
    • Monarch Security uses radio frequency and warns officers searching for Jack Joyce that Martin Hatch's authority within Monarch has been nullified. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge")
    • Suspecting that Hatch is lying about Sofia's betrayal, Paul decides to trust Sofia's judgement and activates the Countermeasure. Initiating the Lifeboat Protocol, key Monarch scientists required for the operation are brought to Monarch HQ. ("Deception")

  • Monarch Security produces wanted posters for Martin Hatch for security officers to use as reference. ("Act 1, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge", Monarch Field Orders Update: Martin Hatch)
  • Paul announces Hatch's arrest and the nullification of his authority within Monarch Solutions. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Martin Hatch)
  • Monarch employee, Vera Kovacs, celebrates the arrest of Martin Hatch. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", That creepy asshole's gone!)
  • Clarice e-mails Paul about his decision to arrest Hatch, suggesting that the traitor led him to wrongfully accuse Martin with falsified information. ("Junction 4: Control/Surrender", Mr. Hatch's arrest)
  • Amaral + Control: Before heading to the Bradbury Swimming Hall, Paul asks Clarice to watch over Sofia in his absence and thanks her for her loyalty in the face of Hatch's betrayal. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Final Instructions)
  • Amaral + Surrender: Before heading to the Bradbury Swimming Hall, Paul demands that Clarice find Hatch and kill him in order to protect the Lifeboat Protocol and Sofia. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", FIND MARTIN AND KILL HIM)
  • Monarch Technician, Bernard Riker, writes a confession letter to Paul, detailing his being blackmailed into shutting down Monarch HQ's stutterproofing system. Begs that Paul look after his family after he's been killed. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", A CONFESSION)

  • Martin Hatch[]

    Serene chooses to trust Hatch and suspects Sofia is a traitor.

    • Believing Sofia has betrayed him, Paul orders Hatch to assemble a team to find out who Sofia has been working with. ("Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch")
    • Hatch reveals that he's found information on Paul's "mystery woman", Beth Wilder, and names her as Sofia's accomplice in her kidnapping. ("Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch", Hatch Junction)
    • Believing Amaral destroyed Henry Kim's lab in collaboration with Jack and Beth, Paul demands that Sofia is found by Monarch Security so that he can decide her fate. ("Deception")

  • Monarch Security produces wanted posters for "compromised asset" Sofia Amaral for security officers to use as reference. ("Act 4, Part 1: Port Donnelly Bridge", Monarch Field Orders Update: Sofia Amaral)
  • Clarice e-mails Paul with about the loyalties of Sofia. Suggests Sofia was working with Jack, that the explosion in Henry Kim's lab was likely caused by Jack and Sofia's kidnapping was her "exit strategy" for escape. ("Junction 4: Control/Surrender", The Amaral Situation)
  • Hatch + Control: Paul e-mails Clarice and confesses to the murder of Sofia (strangling her to death). Requests that Clarice and Hatch watch over Monarch and Lifeboat Protocool. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Final Instructions)
  • Hatch + Surrender: Paul e-mails Clarice and confesses to the murder of Sofia (beating her head in with Monarch Paperweight). Accuses Clarice of allowing Sofia to sabotage his plans with the Lifeboat Protocol. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", FIX THIS MESS)
  • Simon Chaykin reports that the disposal of Sofia Amaral's body is complete. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Clean-up completed)
  • Vera Kovacs reacts to the news of Sofia's murder. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", HOLY SHIT!!!)
  • Monarch Technician, Bernard Riker, confesses to being blackmailed into disabling Monarch HQ's stutterproofing system by Hatch after his family was threatened. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", A CONFESSION)

  • Junction 4: Control/Surrender[]

    Control Surrender

    Junction 4: Control/Surrender.

    "As Paul Serene's Chronon Syndrome edges towards the point of no return, he has to choose whether to fight it... or let go."
    —Official Description

    “Control” and “Surrender” are junctions that affects the end of act four, "The Secret History of Time Travel" and the fifth act, “I’ll Come Back For You”.


    Serene holds on to his reason in a final effort to see his plan through.

    • Paul takes the final Chronon treatment to maintain clarity. ("Junction 4: Control/Surrender")
    • Control + Amaral: Monarch Security takes Hatch into custody, but Hatch is able to kill all four Monarch Guards that apprehend him and disappear without a trace. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Control + Amaral: Sofia returns to Monarch HQ and demands to speak with Paul. Commander Pierce escorts inside the building. When she reunites with Paul, he tells her to the Lifeboat where he'll meet her later. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Control + Amaral: Paul requests a chopper to be prepped for his trip to the Bradbury Swimming Hall. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Control + Hatch: When Sofia returns to Monarch HQ, she explains that the University time machine was missing the failsafe present in William's time machine. Paul accuses her trying to sabotage Monarch Solutions and the Lifeboat Protocol and chokes her to death. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Paul is able to convince Liam Burke to defend the Countermeasure from Jack Joyce. Emily Burke is taken down to the Lifeboat. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Charlie accesses the CFR Chamber using the code "7548". ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Charlie Wincott shuts down CFR defenses for Jack. Attempts to convince Liam to help Jack take the Countermeasure, but is shot in the head by Hatch. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Liam stabs Hatch in the eye and kills him after a brief altercation. Dons a Striker Suit and proceeds to defend the CRF Chamber. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Fiona helps Jack navigate Monarch HQ by hacking terminals blockading path ways to Serene's office. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")
    • Fiona warns Jack that a "pretty scary guy" is guarding the CFR. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")
    • Liam tries and fails to defend the CFR Chamber from Jack. Is trapped in stutter after Jack damages his Chronon harness. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")
    • Jack discovers Charlie Wincott's bodybag. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")

  • Monarch employee, Luther Talbot, warns his friend Pablo Torres to get to a stutterproofed area and avoid Jack Joyce. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Getting to be that time!!!)
  • Control + Amaral: Before heading to the Bradbury Swimming Hall, Paul asks Clarice to watch over Sofia in his absence and thanks her for her loyalty in the face of Hatch's betrayal. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Final Instructions/Amaral)
  • Control + Hatch: Paul e-mails Clarice and confesses to the murder of Sofia (strangling her to death). Requests that Clarice and Hatch watch over Monarch and Lifeboat Protocool. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", Final Instructions/Hatch)

  • Surrender[]

    Serene stops fighting his Chronon Syndrome. He loses faith on his plan and Monarch.

    • Paul refuses to take the final Chronon treatment, spiteful of Monarch's "betrayal". ("Junction 4: Control/Surrender")
    • Paul accuses the Monarch Technician reporting to him of working against him. Paul kills the Technician using a distortion field. ("Junction 4: Control/Surrender")
    • Surrender + Hatch: Sofia Amaral activates the Lifeboat Protocol without Paul's permission. Paul fails to override the command when he realizes what's happening. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Surrender + Hatch: Key Monarch scientists required for the Lifeboat Protocol are brought to Monarch HQ. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Surrender + Hatch: Sofia returns to Monarch HQ and is escorted into the building by Commander Pierce. Paul attacks and kills Sofia with a Monarch designed paperweight, bashing her head in. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Surrender + Amaral: Paul turns Sofia away when she attempts to explain that the University time machine was missing the failsafe of the original time machine and Martin was likely responsible for the malfunction. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Paul broadcasts his anger in a building wide video. Accuses all of Monarch of betraying him. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Charlie Wincott's path to the top of Monarch Tower is impeded by Liam Burke, who threatens to kill him for betraying him three times to Monarch. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Emily convinces Liam to hear Charlie out. Charlie convinces Liam to help him take the Countermeasure from the CFR to help Jack Joyce. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Charlie accesses the CFR Chamber using the code "1848". ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Hatch appears and holds Emily at gunpoint, threatening to kill her. Liam drops his weapon as ordered. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Hatch shoots Liam twice. Liam dies shortly after Emily drags him to the back of the CFR Chamber. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Hatch is vaporized by Chronon energy when Charlie reactivates the CFR's defense measures. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Hatch attempts to kill Charlie, seemingly unaffected by his death moments before. Is later killed when Emily shoots him in the head. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Charlie elects to remain behind to help Jack access the Countermeasure. Sends Emily down to the Lifeboat. ("Lifeboat Protocol")
    • Jack navigates his way through Monarch HQ with the help of Charlie. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")
    • Jack reaches the CFR, saves Charlie from Monarch Security. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch Security")
    • Charlie helps Jack access the CFR Chamber. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")
    • Jack discovers Liam's bodybag. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")

  • In a panic, Luther Talbot suggests that he and his friend, Pablo Torres, leave Monarch HQ and risk the outside in light of Paul Serene's unhinged speech and the inevitable arrival of Jack Joyce. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", LETS BAIL WHILE WE CAN!!!)
  • Amaral + Surrender: Before heading to the Bradbury Swimming Hall, Paul demands that Clarice find Hatch and kill him in order to protect the Lifeboat Protocol and Sofia. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", FIND MARTIN AND KILL HIM)
  • Hatch + Surrender: Paul emails Clarice and confesses to the murder of Sofia (beating her head in with Monarch Paperweight). Accuses Clarice of allowing Sofia to sabotage his plans with the Lifeboat Protocol. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ", FIX THIS MESS)
  • Jack discovers the dead body of the Technician and the discarded Chronon treatment. ("Act 5, Part 1: Monarch HQ")

  • Development[]

    Remedy Entertainment's core goal with Quantum Break was to create an interactive story game that was asked of them from Microsoft Studios.[2]

    One of the earliest gameplay concepts that was retained for the final version of the game, was the idea of "Junctions". Junction gameplay was originally meant to take place in the past in an earlier concept of the story. At the time that there were four player characters, Junctions that altered the past would effect the present and create changes.

    If the player did not like the consequences of their choices, they would be able to return to the past gameplay segment and revert the changes.[2] Eventually, Remedy Entertainment felt the idea behind the original Junction concept was too confusing and would create conflict with the established rules of their time travel story (closed loops and not being able to change the past).[2]

    Paul Serene, the antagonist of the game, was never a playable character until much later on the game's development.[3] Remedy scrapped the idea of four characters using the Junction and regulated Paul to the only character with the power to effect change in the story, making him the conduit between the game and the television series.[3]

