Jack's first Chronon Source, with icon for collecting the upgrade point.
A Chronon Source is a Collectible mass of concentrated Chronon energy used throughout the game as a method for collecting upgrade points for Time Powers. They appear as shining balls of light scattered in various hidden corners of maps, sometimes requiring Jack Joyce to double back on a path to collect. A list of Chronon Sources follows.
Act 1: The Number One Killer Is Time[]
Part 1: Riverport University Experiment[]
Part 2: Campus Escape[]
Part 3: Library Chase[]
Junction 1: Hardline/PR[]
Act 2: Perfect Place to Hide Something[]
Part 1: Industrial Area[]
Part 2: Ground Zero[]
Part 3: Bradbury Swimming Pool[]
Junction 2: Personal/Business[]
Act 3: The Wine and Cheese Crowd[]
Part 1: Research Facility[]
Part 2: Monarch Gala[]
Junction 3: Amaral/Hatch[]