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Quantum Break Wiki

The title card for the fourth Act of Quantum Break.

"The Secret History of Time Travel" is the fourth of five acts in Quantum Break. Act 4 contains four parts, one junction and the final episode of the television series.


Image Title Description Parts
Port donnelly "Port Donnelly Bridge" After being separated from Beth, Jack has to make his way across the heavily guarded Port Donnelly bridge. 01
Preparing "Preparing the Time Machine" With Dr Amaral's reluctant help, Jack and Beth prepare William's original time machine for use. 02
Swimming pool "Swimming Pool 2010" Using the time machine, Jack arrives to July 4th, 2010, in order to obtain William's countermeasure. 03
Wills workshop "Will's Workshop 2010" At William's workshop near the drydocks in 2010, Jack and Beth are preparing to grab the countermeasure so they can return to 2016 with it. 04
Paranoia "Control/Surrender" As Paul Serene's Chronon Syndrome edges towards the point of no return, he has to choose whether to fight it... or let go. 05
The Lifeboat Protocol "Lifeboat Protocol" As the Lifeboat Protocol is initiated and the End of Time is imminent, hard decisions have to be made. 06


Act Part Title Transcribed by
1 1 "Port Donnelly Bridge" Not Determined
2 2 "Preparing the Time Machine" Not Determined
3 3 "Swimming Pool 2010" Not Determined
4 4 "Will's Workshop 2010" Not Determined
5 5 "Junction 4: Control/Surrender" Not Determined
6 6 "Episode 4: Lifeboat Protocol" Not Determined
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