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This wiki doesn’t seem very active, but I thought if anyone is still updating it they might be interested in addition to the custom controller there was also the custom Contest Xbox One console given away by Microsoft as well: https://www.cgmagonline.com/articles/features/xbox-microsoft-quantum-break-explorethebreak-at-quantum-burger-in-downtown-toronto/
We just need one more vote to overrule the repeal of Net Neutrality
Please contact your Senators and Representatives urging them to vote for the CRA (Congressional Review Act)
List of Senators on board for protecting Net Neutrality can be viewed on battleforthenet.
The Senators in red are the ones who are currently not voting so convince them to vote for the CRA: https://www.battleforthenet.com/scoreboard/
Text “RESIST” to 50409 to send an email to your Senators/Representatives! Tell them to vote for the CRA and give them details to persuade them on why Net Neutrality is so important and why it should be preserved. You can also call at 202-224-3121.
Script for phone calls:
[Call Your Senators about Markey’s Net Neutrality Petition (2/26):
You: Hello, my name is [insert name here]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling to let [SENATOR] know I want them to vote in favor of Senator Markey’s resolution to repeal the FFC’s December decision to unwind Net Neutrality via the Congressional Review Act.
You: Polling Suggests 60-80% of Americans do not support the rollback of Net Neutrality, and voting in support of this bipartisan resolution will help ensure this issue isn’t singlehandedly decided by five people.
For GOP Senators: If [SENATOR] doesn’t support Markey’s resolution, we will make this an issue every single time [SENATOR] is up for reelection.
Thank you and have a good day.
Call the capital switchboard: (202) 224-321
Washington State has already passed a law to protect Net Neutrality in their area, the state of Oregon has recently done the same, and the state of California recently got their own passed the senate making that same decision, thanks to those who lived in California and urged their representatives to support “SB 822″ and vote yes on it.
I’m praying the success of the vote in California will embolden other states supporting NN (like my own) to follow suit.
According to battleforthenet only one vote is needed to ensure the FFC repeal of Net Neutrality is knocked down in the Senate, so calling the Senators who have not voted on the issue of Net Neutrality is crucial.
Additionally, battleforthenet states that 218 votes are needed to sway the House (of Representatives). As of now, 161 is the current tally, with only 57 votes needed to turn things around.
As of April 17, 2018, there are six days left before April 23, 2018.
Today, December 14, 2017, the Federal Communications Committee, under the advisement of former Verizon Lawyer, Ajit Pai, chose to repeal the then-President Barack Obama approved decision to protect Net Neutrality by, "reclassifying broadband as a common carrier under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 and Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996" (source), which that kept the internet under government regulation (IIRC). The repeal was made in favor of catering to Corporate Lobbyists, who in turn, work in favor of the Major Internet Service Providers (ISPs), like, but certainly not limited to, Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T.
The last step required is to get their repeal approved by Congress and made law is to go through Appeals Court. Already folk are coming out of the woodwork to sue the FCC for their decision.
Wikia as a website, relies on the community of people that relies on the internet to even contribute to their website. Without Net Neutrality, major ISPs can make simple recreational tasks like editing articles a near-impossibility, esp. for those on a seriously fixed income.
So, here's what you need to do if yo value the neutrality of the internet and all that it provides you, thanks to government regulation:
- visit whoismyrepresentative.com - To find out who represents you in Congress and urge them to support NN
- visit resistbot.io - Another website that will help you in writing or calling to your representatives
- Visit Battleforthenet.com - The major spearhead in the fight for Net Neutrality, and another major resource for protests, and contacting your representatives
- On top of urging them to go against making the repeal of Net Neutrality law, you also want to urge them to support this bill, the H.R.4585 - Save Net Neutrality Act of 2017, which means to prevent the FCC's decision from becoming a reality. So far, 24 representatives in Congress are in support of it. There can be more, but we as a public play a great deal into how things go down from here on out.
- 1) Congress can stop the FCC and overrule their vote using the Congressional Review Act
- 2) It only takes a simple majority in the Senate and House , so go bother your representatives.
- 3) 83% of voters support #NetNeutrality regardless of political party We can do this. http://BattleForTheNet.com (source)
Quantum Break To Get Xbox One X Enhancement
“ | Aaron Greenberg just confirmed on the Xbox Gamescom 2017 show that Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break will receive Xbox One X enhancements.
Many thought the game wouldn’t receive dedicated support for Microsoft’s upcoming console, so that’s great news to hear. However, there are no details on when the upgrade will be available yet or what exactly it will entail. Stay tuned on Wccftech and we’ll be sure to provide you with all the info. | ” |
Remedy Entertainment soaks in the lessons of Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break
“ | GamesBeat: Quantum Break was criticized a lot for not being what it was originally billed as. Do you think that hurt you in the end?
Puha: Everyone makes up their own mind when you announce something. When you talk about your game the first couple of times on that high level, because you can’t reveal the details, people build something in their mind—but that happens with lots of games. People imagine that it’s going to be one thing, and it probably won’t be. In the case of Quantum Break, people didn’t know what to expect. We thought we were pretty clear that it was going to be a story-driven action game. That’s what Remedy does. But the live action was definitely confusing. I don’t think everybody got the fact that you get to influence the story. Yes, the ending is always the same, but the way you get there is relatively different. I don’t think everyone understood that. GamesBeat: How did you guys decide on the live action? Was it obvious that that would be better or easier than just doing the cinematics yourself? Puha: That’s one thing I read when the game came out. “Why didn’t they just make the usual cutscenes?” First of all, if we made a 20-minute cutscene, I think people wouldn’t be as interested in watching that. The other thing, making a 20-minute animated cutscene is very difficult. We shipped the game with very few animators. It’s difficult to find animators in Finland. If you’re in California, you have that history going back to Disney. You have all these schools teaching animation. We don’t have the same kind of access. Lots of things come into play. People might think making cutscenes is easy, and it’s not. If we were to make the same amount of cutscenes, a little over two hours, we would have had to have resources we didn’t have. In some ways live action can be simpler. Beyond the issues with production, the reality was that as the game focuses on the heroes, when you look at it from the other side, the game can also be presented in another medium. It was something new. Some people liked it. Some people didn’t. We got to work with an awesome cast. We chose them because they’re great actors, first and foremost, and we can bring their performances alive in the game as well. But of course there’s the benefit that they’re known. They bring believability and hopefully help with marketing as well. | ” |
Quantum Break is a fascinating symbol of Xbox One’s past and future
“ | Last week, I headed to the swanky Microsoft loft in Manhattan to play Quantum Break, the upcoming Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive from Remedy Entertainment, creators of Max Payne and Alan Wake. With the game this close to release—it launches in less than a month—the press was given free rein to play through the first two hours. Though I now have a greater understanding of what Quantum Break actually is, I left the event just as fascinated with this project’s continued existence as I’ve been since it was revealed in 2013.
On its face, Quantum Break is a standard Remedy third-person shooter. Jack Joyce, played by Shawn “Iceman” Ashmore, gets caught up in a time-travel experiment gone wrong, and on the behest of his brother (Dominic Monaghan), sets out to fix the damage this catastrophic event has done before it destroys time itself. Opposing him is Paul Serene (Aidan “Littlefinger, if you’re nasty” Gillen), Jack’s former friend who built the time machine, caused the coming time apocalypse, fled into the future, and returned to the present as the leader of the mysterious and murderous Monarch Solutions corporation to avert the end of time—by any means necessary. Here’s where things get weird: At the end of the each of the game’s chapters, you take control of Paul Serene and are forced to choose between two options for how the story will play out. After that, you’re treated to 20 minutes of Syfy-caliber live-action television. They’re essentially episodes of a Quantum Break TV show that depict the stories of the game’s villains and secondary characters. They’re meant to humanize them, fleshing out the narrative in ways that, according to the game’s director, Sam Lake, couldn’t be done without the live-action episodes. “Having the show in there allows you to tell a story that fits into a TV series because medium does affect the content, quite a bit,” Lake said. “And that in itself gave us an opportunity of having this kind of story content in there… It forced us to think, ‘Both of these media need to serve a purpose. They need to somehow click together but be separate at the same time.’ That led to the idea of: Wouldn’t it be cool if the game is a hero’s journey and the show is giving you point of view into the same story but from the perspective of the villains? I don’t think we could have ever come up with the idea if we didn’t have the show.” | ” |
“ | Finishing up our conversation with Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, we put him through a lightning round-style series of questions we affectionately dubbed, “What would it take?”
With what would be our last question, we asked what it would take to see Alan Wake 2 on Xbox One and Windows PC. Spencer furrowed his brow and looked up to the ceiling. “How do I put this?” he asked, pausing for a long moment. “Well, the developer… the developer has to want to make the game,” he eventually finished as a PR minder stepped in to end the interview. “Well, the developer… the developer has to want to make the game,” he eventually finished as a PR minder stepped in to end the interview. Alan Wake 2’s release, or lack thereof, seems to boil down to bad timing. While Spencer seems quite receptive to talk Alan Wake 2 now, that didn’t seem to be the case a couple of years back. “We showed [Alan Wake 2] to Microsoft and I guess at the time Microsoft was looking for something slightly different for their portfolio,” Remedy’s Sam Lake said, reflecting on the project back in 2015. Those talks with Microsoft led to Quantum Break, a Xbox One and Windows PC title that leveraged the publisher’s now-defunct television department. Today, Remedy is expanding into multiplayer, building up their proprietary engine, Northlight. Still, it’s not all doom and gloom. “[Microsoft] have been really supportive about Alan Wake and [now head of Xbox] Phil Spencer has been awesomely supportive when it comes to Remedy and Alan Wake along the way,” Lake said in 2015. With Lake seeming encouraged by Spencer’s openness to the Alan Wake franchise back in 2015 — and Spencer reaffirming that again — maybe Alan Wake 2 is closer than we think. | ” |
Poor Sales Continue as Quantum Break Hits Steam
“ | Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break just can’t quite break free of its mediocre sales. When the game first came out in April for PC and Xbox One, the time-manipulation action-oriented platforming title was critically acclaimed among reviewers as a proper spiritual successor to Remedy’s Alan Wake. This makes sense, of course: The time mechanics in Quantum Break follow in the same vein as the use of light and darkness within the critically and commercially acclaimed popular action-psychological horror title. But now that Quantum Break has hit Steam, the game’s numbers aren’t promising, according to Steam Spy.
As the site reports, there’s approximately 51,790 owners of Quantum Break on Steam, with a margin of error around 5,496. In the past two weeks, the average playtime rested around four hours and 52 minutes, meaning most players are clocking out within five hours of play. Approximately 31,554 people played Quantum Break in the last two weeks, with a margin of error for 4,545 players. For a major new IP title from Microsoft, those are incredibly low numbers for a launch on Steam. This, of course, falls in line with earlier reports on Quantum Break‘s sales across PC and Xbox. As Daniel Ahmad pointed out on Twitter in May, the game “didn’t bomb” but still demonstrated “very poor performance” when it hit as a new IP. In June, the game failed to sell over 200,000 units at US retail stores, and the Japanese market hardly batted an eye at the game itself, only moving an additional 5 units between one week. | ” |
“ | Available for Xbox One and Microsoft Windows users, the story follows protagonist Jack Joyce attempting to save the world with his time manipulation powers. Due to the multiple outcomes of the game over a series of events and time scales, extensive post production work had to take place in order to retain consistency with the story throughout the television show. Juan Ignacio Cabrera is the first, as well as most experienced SGO Mistika operator living in the U.S. and one of the top in the world, who previously worked as a colourist and Stereo 3D Supervisor at the prestigious J.J. Abrams’ production company, Bad Robot and now owns his own studio, LightBender. Juan talks us through how he used SGO’s Mistika to overcome any challenges that Quantum Break’s unique format of television brought to the show’s post production process.
For over a decade I’ve used SGO’s Mistika to work on both 2D and 3D blockbusters across broadcast and cinema, including titles such as Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Star Trek: Into Darkness, Beneath, The Amazing Spider-Man and Prometheus as well as TV shows such as Chosen and the upcoming StartUp. Working on Quantum Break appealed to me straight away because of its technical challenges. I have three Mistikas at LightBender and we use them for a variety of projects, but this was the first time I’ve worked on such a unique gaming project that’s so different from any other. They started shooting in February last year (2015) and it took approximately eight months to deliver the final cut, using Mistika to review VFX and serve as a hub for conforming and versioning. | ” |
“ | We have a huge announcement today! As many of you may have seen online, today matches the date of the Monarch Gala in Quantum Break. We thought it would be interesting to not only do something for the occasion, but to have it be a force for good.
So, today we're announcing a charity auction on ebay, with sponsorship from Remedy, where 100% of money raised will go directly to Cancer Research UK.
The first is an Alan Wake collection. This contains Alan Wake Limited Edition for PC and Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Both games are signed by the developers. For American Nightmare the signatures are on the game cover. For Alan Wake, the signatures are on a fold out Alan Wake A3 poster inside the game box. [Beginning Price: £50] We also teamed up with the lovely gentlemen at Poets of the Fall for the auction. With the release of their latest album, Clearview, and their follow up tour, schedules have been a tricky thing to work out. As a result, to make things a little more relaxed, we're planning a "part two" of the auction later this year with their contributions. So stay tuned for more information of that auction coming later this year! | ” |
Quantum Break How to Beat the Final Boss (Normal Difficulty)
Prepare to run in circles
“ | Everything was going great on Sunday evening. My wife was having dinner with friends, my newborn was sleeping soundly, and I was sprinting toward the end of Quantum Break, the latest game from Max Payne and Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment. It's a flawed game but an enjoyable one. Yet everything ground to a halt during the game's final boss, an infuriating sequence that left an awful taste in my mouth.
Quantum Break is not a difficult game; it's a goofy playground for messing up soldiers with your absurd time-travel powers. Then, out of nowhere, with the end credits in sight, the game decides it's time to become something that pushes your skills to the edge. Actually, that's giving the game too much credit; if it really was about testing your skills, it might have been fun. It's just a bad, poorly designed boss battle, where the enemy's capable of wiping you out with a single hit, often out of nowhere and without giving you a chance to save yourself. And it'd be one thing if the final boss was merely difficult, but each time you die, the game forces you to skip a cutscene and sit through a loading screen before the fight can begin again. Sigh. | ” |
So in the game, when Paul and Jack caused th fracture in time, the monitor shows the time as October 9th, 2016, at 4:15 AM. However, the quantum break novel seems to say otherwise, stating as October 8th, 2016, at 4:17 AM.
In any case, the fracture in time has happened in the novel, and should be happening soon in the game.
Let's celebrate the end of time! :)
Quantum Break coming to Steam & PC retail September 29th 2016
“ | Quantum Break on Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/474960
Quantum Break: Timeless Collector's Edition https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Break-Timeless-Collectors-PC/dp/B01K7SG0EY/ From Remedy Entertainment, the masters of cinematic action games, comes Quantum Break, a time-amplified suspenseful blockbuster. The Quantum Break experience is part game, part live action show—where decisions in one dramatically affect the other. | ” |
This trailer is basically a re-purposing of the Quantum Break tribute from April when the game officially released.
Remedy Quantum Break Tribute
Publisher says extra time is needed to master and manufacture the game.
“ | The retail and Steam releases of Quantum Break on PC have been pushed from September 14 to September 29, it has been announced.
"Due to additional time required for mastering and manufacturing the Quantum Break - Timeless Collector's Edition for retail, the decision has been made to move the release to September 29," reads a press release. "This concerns both the Steam version as well as the retail edition." As previously detailed, these versions of Quantum Break will include "all of the latest updates" and will sell for $40/£40. The Timeless Collector's Edition will feature premium packaging, a making-of Blu-ray, an artbook, a soundtrack CD, an A3 poster, and a quick-start guide. | ” |
“ | Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment's time-bending action game Quantum Break "sold really well," according to Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg. In fact, sales were so good that they exceeded Microsoft's own expectations for the Xbox One and PC game, Greenberg said in a new interview.
"Quantum Break sold really well; it exceeded what we expected it to do," he said when discussing what Remedy might make next with Windows Central. "We were really pleased with how Quantum Break did. But just like every movie, not every game needs a sequel, sometimes it's okay." Greenberg doesn't ever quantify Quantum Break's success with a specific figure, either for sales or Microsoft's expectations. As the interviewer pointed out, Quantum Break's ending leaves open the possibility for a sequel. Whether or not Remedy makes this game remains to be seen. | ” |
Quantum Break Had a Song by Poets of the Fall But Complications Occured

August 15, 2016 Tweet from Sam Lake: "We had a @PoetsOfTheFall song for #QuantumBreak, but sadly ran out of time with dumb contractual complications neither of us could affect.".
“ | Quantum Break released on Xbox One Windows 10 PC earlier this year. It was developed by Remedy Entertainment, the same studio that worked on the popular Alan Wake series.
Remedy Entertainment is also known for using songs of Poets of the Fall in its game. Same was to be the case with Quantum Break, however, devs decided not to include it. According to a recent tweet from Sam Lake, Remedy Entertainment had a Poets of the Fall song lined up for Quantum Break. Maybe Remedy'll use their song in the next Alan Wake. On a related note, Quantum Break is now coming to Steam and one wonders if there is still time to add this song to the main game? Well, song or no song the priority must be to release an ironed out version of the game. | ” |